Why Is Sustainability Important?

Sustainability is important because it ensures people have water and resources, and adopting its practices protects the environment and human health. The doctrine of sustainability aims to maintain the conditions in which nature and humans can survive by appropriately utilizing the natural components of the environment.

Sustainability relates to the choices individuals and government entities make and how those choices affect the future. For example, polluting water supplies or wasting water reduces the availability of clean, uncontaminated water for future generations.

Sustainability within the soil supply is also crucial. Without properly caring for soil that produces plant life, food and natural surroundings for animals and humans, the soil loses the quality to encourage new growth for crops and natural sources of food.

Sustainability also ensures the existence of species. For example, if clean water and nonpolluted soil are scarce, the risk of species extinction increases. A lack of resources not only affects species but also the social, environmental and economic conditions of the population as a whole.

Residents and corporations can work to promote sustainability through practices that include recycling, a reduction of air and water pollution, and a shift toward green practices to preserve natural resources for future generations.