Why Should We Take Care of the Environment?

Individuals should take care of the environment to reduce the risk of toxic pollutant exposure, eliminate the waste that consumes landfills and improve the overall health of communities, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Taking care of the environment also ensures the availability of natural resources for future generations.

Taking care of the environment by reducing the levels of toxic pollution is a fundamental civic duty of all individuals and groups. Pollution from smoke, fuel exhaust and manufacturing poses a risk to the health of the general public. Air pollution can cause damage not only to people, but also animals, plants, trees and crops. It also affects lakes, national parks, aviation centers and the air quality in cities and neighborhoods.

Pollution and toxins that affect the environment pose a significant risk to a nation’s overall economy. As pollution from landfills, industrial plants and fuel exhaust increases, more and more people may contract illnesses that lead to lost wages and poor workplace performance. In addition, pollution and environmental damage affect commercial forests and agricultural crops, thereby drastically impacting the economy.

Even small gestures, such as taking the bus or carpooling, can reduce the amount of air pollution that infects the environment.