Why Is Science Always Changing?

Science changes due to several factors including technological innovations, societal concerns and increases of knowledge. Scientific information expands as humans disseminate research through peer-reviewed publications, collaborate on new projects and regulate studies through legislation.

Modern science expands its knowledge base when scientists review one another’s research. That way, the scientific community checks itself by preventing rogue theories from becoming mainstream. When researchers have similar interests, experts collaborate on future projects to further scientific goals. In some instances like embryonic stem cell research, legislation and societal concerns can dictate how analysts move forward with new endeavors.

Technology is the physical manifestation of scientific thought. At the beginning of the 20th century, humans rode on horseback and automobiles were fanciful concepts on paper. As science advanced internal combustion engines, cars became everyday objects. In that sense, science has continually changed how humans move and travel.

Even scientific theories based upon observations have changed human thinking. Galileo Galilei demonstrated the concept of gravity at the leaning tower of Pisa in 1591. He showed that a 1-pound weight and a 100-pound weight hit the ground at the same time when released simultaneously. In 1687, Sir Isaac Newton expanded upon Galileo’s ideas to quantify how forces of gravity interact with everyday objects. These formulas led to airplanes, rocket ships and other modern advances.