How Many Gallons Are in One Metric Ton?

Mervi Eskelinen/CC-BY 2.0

There are approximately 358 U.S. gallons per metric ton. According to conversion tables at the Iowa State University website, 1 United States gallon is equal to 0.002791 metric tons. Conversely, there are 1/0.002791 gallons per metric ton, which works out to 358.294518 U.S. gallons per metric ton.

One U.S. gallon equals 0 .8321 imperial gallons. To find out how many imperial gallons there are in a metric ton, multiply the figure for U.S. gallons per metric ton by 0.8321. Thus, multiplying 358.294518 by 0.8321 shows there are 298.136868 imperial gallons in a metric ton. The temperature at which the liquid is measured has a direct influence on the measurement, as liquids expand at higher temperatures and contract as the temperature falls.