What Is the Function of the Cerebrum?

The cerebrum, also called the cerebral cortex, is the portion of the brain that deals with thought processes and movement. There are four lobes to the cerebrum each associated with different processes. The right side is the creative side whereas the left provide the logic function of the brain.

The frontal lobe is located at the front of the brain, in the forehead area, and is responsible for movement, emotions, problem solving and judgment. The parietal lobe sits behind the frontal lobe on the back of the top portion of the brain. It deals with the senses of pressure, taste, temperature and pain. It is also responsible for movement in reaction to the different sensory stimuli. There are two temporal lobes located in the temple area on the sides of the brain. This lobe processes auditory stimuli and is responsible for language processes. The occipital lobe sits behind and below the parietal lobe, at the back of the head. Vision is the main function of this lobe. It controls the way images are seen, recognized and perceived. The cerebrum is divided in half to have a right and left hemisphere. The right hemisphere is believed to control creativity while the left one controls logic. There are two layers to the cerebrum, the outer layer, called the gray matter, and the inner layer or white matter.