What Are the Five Kingdoms of Living Things?

The five kingdoms of living things are Monera, Protista, Fungi (or Mycota), Plantae (or Metaphyta) and Animalia (or Metazoa). The kingdom is the third taxonomic rank in the biological classification system.

Monera includes small, single-celled organisms without a nucleus and includes archaea bacteria, cyanobacteria and mycoplasma. They do not possess a direct feeding structure and obtain nutrients through photosynthesis or by absorption through the cell wall.

Protista consists of single-celled, mainly aquatic organisms such as diatoms, algae and euglena, as well as protozoans such as amoeba, paramoecium and plasmodium. Some have cell walls, but not all possess them. This group acquires nutrients via photosynthesis or ingestion of other organisms. Protista move via cilia, flagella or amoeboid processes.

Fungi, also known as kingdom Mycota, includes multicellular organisms with cell walls and nuclei. They are not self-propelling and range greatly in size. Some are microscopic, but this group also includes mushrooms.

Plantae, also known as kingdom Metaphyta, are a group of multicellular plants with chlorophyll who use photosynthesis to sustain themselves. This group includes common plants like trees, shrubs, flowers and similar plant life.

Animalia, also known as kingdom Metazoa, includes heterotrophic, eukaryotic and multicellular creatures that lack cell walls. They are self-propelled via cilia, flagella or muscles. Nutrients are acquired through ingestion.