What Are Examples of Plant Organisms?

Examples of plant organisms are ferns, grass, flowers, trees and any other multicellular organisms that aren’t animals. Plants are multicellular organisms that contain chloroplasts. The chloroplasts within plant cells contain chlorophyll, which is what plants use to create energy through photosynthesis. It also gives plants their green color.

There are more than 2 million known species of plants that contain chloroplasts. However, not all plants can produce energy through photosynthesis. The species that are unable to produce their own energy are parasitic and must take their nutrients from a host organism.

There are many different groups of plants, some which live on land and others in the water. Some of the major groups include gymnosperms, angiosperms, green algae, flowering plants and ferns, each consisting of numerous genera and species. Other groups of plants include mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Flowering plants are one of the largest groups of either plants or animals, with more than 250,000 known species, making it second only to the arthropod group.

Plants are thought to have evolved from algae more than 400 million years ago. Fossil records show the first vascular plants appeared approximately 370 million years ago, and flowering plants evolved around 130 million years ago.