What Are the Chemical Properties of Aluminum?

Two chemical properties of aluminum are that is has a melting point of 1,220 degrees Fahrenheit and a boiling point of 4,532 degrees Fahrenheit. Chemical properties are defined as the manner in which one substance changes into another.

Chemical and physical properties make up the characteristics of an element. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between the two. If a person keeps in mind the definition of a chemical property, that makes it easier. For example, aluminum transforms and forms a trioxide of aluminum oxide, when it is burned in oxygen. A bright white flame creates the element, written as Al2O3. Since the element was transformed into aluminum oxide, that is one of its chemical properties.

Another chemical property of aluminum is that it does not normally react with the air, meaning it usually does not rust. This is due to the fact that the surface is covered by a thin layer of oxide, which protects it. However, the aluminum will be exposed, if that layer is damaged. This opens it up to attack by the air, which may result in a reaction. That would be an example of yet another type of chemical reaction.

As a contrast, some physical properties of aluminum include:

  • a color that is shiny and silvery
  • light weight
  • an atomic mass of 26.98