What Is the Weather Like in Tenerife in March?


Weather in Tenerife, Canary Islands, in March tends to be mild and a bit rainy, with high temperatures averaging 68 F and low temperatures averaging 55 F. It rains an average of 11 days every March in Tenerife.

March in Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain, is more the end of winter than it is the beginning of spring, with weather typically continuing much as it has throughout February. There are nine hours of sunshine every day. The temperature of the ocean averages 66 F, or almost the same as the air temperature. Carnival and Easter celebrations often occur in March, making it a festive month in Tenerife.

Tenerife is the most popular of the Canary Islands for tourists, with over 6 million tourists visiting per year. Tenerife has a very mild climate, and the island’s year-round warm temperatures have gained Tenerife the nickname “land of the eternal spring.” The most popular times to visit the island are during the summer months, as well as in the spring when Easter festivals take place. Travelers to Tenerife during the summer should take care to book tickets far in advance, as prices for flights in July and August tend to get higher than normal in the late spring and early summer.