What Are Some Uses of Carabao Grass?
Carabao grass, also known as buffalo grass, has many uses across different domains. The grass is especially important in the agricultural sector, where some of its uses are: forage for grazing, a ground cover to prevent open areas from becoming barren and as an important tool in landscaping.
Carabao grass, scientifically known as paspalum conjugatum bergius, is found in plenty in Indonesia, the Philippines and the Pacific Islands. It is regarded as an important natural pasture grass in coconut plantations and is also an important weed used in rice and plantation crops.
Besides its agricultural importance, carabao grass is also greatly valued for its medicinal benefits, such as its capability to prevent skin disease by inhibiting staphylococcus. The Iban of Borneo use its leaves to treat wounds and sores. Scientific reports also prove the grass to be effective for treating kidney disease.
The grass has been used a lot in Africa as herbal medicine. For example, in Gabon, its leaves have been used together with other leaves for sprains, dislocations and contusions. Additionally, in Congo, the leaves are used in vapor baths to cure fever.
The plant is also said to be effective as a laxative for cats and dogs.