What Are Some Types of Animals That Live in Ridges and Valleys?

Frogs, snakes, turtles, rabbits, deer, wolves, cougars and bears live in valleys and ridges. These animals establish their habitats here because both predators and prey have adequate food available. Moreover, valley and ridge climates are ideal for these types of animals.

As geology has affected the landscape over millions of years, evidence suggests that animals that dwell within valleys and ridges have evolved to better suit their environment. For example, valley and ridge animals, such as the rabbit and wolf, have thick fur to protect them from the low temperatures within these ecosystems. Temperatures can drop below frost point, and in some areas, below freezing. In addition, predators and prey have adapted to their surroundings by bearing the color of their surroundings as camouflage. This cover allows these animals to hide from predators, such as larger animals and humans.

Furthermore, ridges and valleys are home to some of the most diverse species in the world. Over 3,000 species live along the Southern Appalachian Mountains alone. Additionally, part of the reason these ecosystems are so diverse is because ridges and valleys are not limited to one part of the world. There are many different species that dwell in this type of ecosystem on different continents.