What Is the Trunk of Your Body?

Suhaimi Abdullah/Getty Images Sport/Getty Images

The trunk, or torso, of a human body extends from the neck to the pelvic region. The neck, arms and legs all extend from the trunk. The abdomen and thorax are two regions of the torso.

Two organs contained within the thorax of the torso are the lungs and the heart. Both are protected by the rib cage and the sternum, or breastbone. The rib cage is comprised of 24 bones, including floating ribs, true ribs and false ribs.

Vertebrae are also located within the trunk of the human body. The body has 26 vertebrae, which include the lumbar, the cervical, the thoracic, the sacral and the coccyx bones. In total, 51 bones are found within a human torso.

In the abdomen region of the torso, the abdominal cavity contains the digestive organs: the liver, the small and large intestines, the pancreas, the gallbladder and the anus. The spleen, which stores blood and platelets, is also located within the abdominal cavity and is protected by the rib cage. The kidneys and ureters are found within the abdominal cavity. These organs are part of the urinary system and are responsible for the elimination of waste from the body.

The pelvic region is also part of the torso. Male and female reproductive organs are located in this region of the trunk.