What Are the Six Senses?

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The six senses include sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch and, according to Psychology Today, intuition. Researchers disagree on the definition and extent of the sixth sense, saying there are a number of possible explanations for “intuitive hunches” and the ways in which they play out.

The Spiritual Science Research Foundation calls the sixth sense “subtle perception ability” and defines it as the ability to perceive the unseen world. It equates the sixth sense with extrasensory perception (ESP), premonition and clairvoyance, and expands the definition to include perception of the “subtle-dimension” or unseen realm of angels, ghosts and heaven.

Dean Radin, researcher and author in the field of parapsychology asks whether experiments prove without question the sixth sense exists. He thinks the answer is no, as further experiments by independent investigators are needed to prove that an actual sixth sense is truly present, notes Psychology Today. There is no established correct measurement procedure, so it is unclear which measurement being implemented by researchers should be trusted.

Coach Devlyn Steele, speaking for Tools of Life, believes that the sixth sense has nothing to do with the supernatural and everything to do with perception. Steele maintains that perception dominates the other five senses to determine what a person is experiencing.