What Are Some Similarities and Differences Between Living and Nonliving Things?

Some similarities between living and nonliving things are they are composed of matter and conform to the laws of physics. What is the difference between living and nonliving things? Well, there are quite a few differences between living and nonliving organisms. There are many differences between the two groups, including lifespan, energy requirements, adaptation and response to stimuli.

Both living and nonliving things are comprised of matter. How do living things differ from nonliving things? One difference between living and nonliving is that living things are made of cells and have organized systems within their biological makeup to carry out necessary functions such as reproduction and excretion of waste products. These systems are not present in nonliving things.

What Are Characteristics of Living Things?

What are the characteristics of living things? Living things have a lifespan that usually includes birth, growth, reproduction and death. Animals reproduce by giving birth or laying eggs. Plants reproduce through the process of pollination and the production of seeds, while bacteria reproduce by binary fission. No systems of reproduction are present in nonliving things. All living things depend on replication to keep their species from going extinct.

What Are Examples of Living Things?

There are also several different types of living things. Plants, animals, fungi, protist, and monera. Below, you will see more living and nonliving things questions and answers. What are some examples of living things? You, for starters. Your pets, fish, birds, bugs, and other animals. Fungi, like mushrooms, is another example of a living thing. As far as protist and monera go, there are also a lot of microscopic things you can’t see that are living. Influenza is living and so is COVID-19.

Characteristics of Nonliving Things

Living things respond and have the ability to adapt to their environments. Adaptation can take place through natural selection or learned behavior changes. Nonliving things never display any adaptation. They do not replicate nor do they actively try to. They don’t require energy to sustain life because the life is not there.

Nonliving Things Examples

Nonliving things in an environment, also known as “non living organisms,” do not die and only cease to exist when worn down over time by their environment or destroyed by an external force. Some characteristics of nonliving things include a lack of energy requirements. All living organisms obtain and use energy for necessary functions. Some non living things examples include rocks, furniture, and wind. Water, for example, is a nonliving thing.