How Many Wheelbarrows Are in a Cubic Yard?

Marc Piscotty/Getty Images News/Getty Images

There are 14 wheelbarrow loads in a cubic yard for a 2-cubic-foot wheelbarrow, and nine wheelbarrow loads in a cubic yard for a 3-cubic-foot variety. The smaller wheelbarrow has a shallow basin, whereas the larger version is more common. Both wheelbarrows must have a crest to reach the maximum capacity.

An entire dump truck of material is approximately 18 cubic yards, which equals 252 of the smaller wheelbarrow loads and 162 of the larger wheelbarrow loads.

One truckload of dirt may weigh up to 20 tons, and a cubic yard of topsoil is about 1.3 tons. Three cubic feet of topsoil, or one wheelbarrow load, is about 290 pounds, whereas 2 cubic feet weighs 185 pounds.