How Does Homeostasis Control Respiratory Rate?

Homeostasis controls respiratory rate through the area of the brain known as the medulla, according to Florida International University. The act of respiration is involuntary, meaning people are not typically conscious of it.

Homeostasis is something that is largely involved in respiration, or the act of breathing in and out and everything in between. Homeostasis acts in many of the functions of the body besides breathing. Equilibrium is maintained between the main regulatory processes of the body. It is necessary for the healthy functioning of the body.

There is a breathing center located in the medulla. In this center, there are various sections that are each in control of different aspects of respiration. The ventral area increases the rate and depth of respiration. The lateral and dorsal areas work to assist and inspire the act of respiration. The center is connected to the phrenic and intercoastal nerves that lead to the diaphragm.