Why Does Glucose Dissolve in Water?

Glucose dissolves in water because the strong magnetic charge of water is able to break the molecular bonds that connect the sugar molecules. Crystalline sugar consists of a matrix of molecules held together by relatively weak bonds, and when submerged in water, the stronger charge of the water molecules pulls the sugar apart.

A water molecule consists of two positively charged hydrogen atoms and one negatively charged oxygen atom. This gives the entire molecule a magnetic charge, which is why water is a good solvent and dissolves many different compounds. Sugars consist of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen in long chains, and these chains develop weak electrical bonds with one another. This is what causes sugar to form solid crystals.

When water and sugar come into contact, the stronger magnetic field of the water molecule pulls apart the molecular bonds of the sugar, attracting the oxygen-hydrogen portion of the sugar molecule. The sugar molecule effectively bonds to the water molecule, breaking away from the crystalline sugar matrix. Since each water molecule has two ends that can form these bonds, each can connect to a sugar molecule and another water molecule, forming a solution of dissolved sugar in water. Vinegar and alcohol are also able to dissolve sugar, but not as completely as water.