What Are Examples of Woody Stem Plants?

Plants that have woody stems are leaves, bushes and shrubs such as lilac and forsythia plants. Shrubs and bushes are similar to trees, but have a few major differences such as height and branches.

It is important to note that shrubs and bushes are not just small trees. Shrubs have branches that are in small clusters or clumps. Their branches never get as large as a tree’s branches and they break off into small buds. They are generally shorter than trees, but can equal the same height as some smaller trees.

A plant is described as either having a woody or non-woody stem. The majority of plants that include bushes and trees are woody stems. Flowers and bushes that do not have clusters of buds on them are usually the non-woody kind.

A woody stem is identified by bark covering the stems. This bark is what protects the stem and allows the plant to live a successful life. Woody plants have leaves on them that are extensions of the branches. The leaves are connected to the branches and provide the rest of the plant with the sunlight and nutrients it needs to survive. The roots of the plants gather water and help send it up the woody area of the plant to enable it to reach the leaves, which need water to transport the nutrients from photosynthesis.