What Are Examples of Solubility?

WLADIMIR BULGAR/Science Photo Library/Getty Images

An example of solubility is the fact that sugar is very soluble in water. However, in another liquid, such as methyl alcohol, it is only somewhat soluble.

Solubility is defined as how much of a solute will dissolve in a particular amount of a solvent. Most solutes vary with different solvents. In the example used above, sugar was the solute and the solvents were methyl alcohol and water.

According to HowStuffWorks, solubility differs greatly depending on the state of matter, temperature and pressure. For example, most solids and liquids increase in solubility at higher temperatures, but in the same situation, gases decrease in solubility. Under pressure, though, gases become more soluble.

An example of this would be carbonated drinks. Drinks such as soda are bottled under pressure because gases are more soluble in this state. When the pressure is released by someone opening the container, the carbon dioxide instantly starts to lose its solubility and begins to escape.

Based on these properties, there are several examples of solubility. Salt, for instance, is soluble in water, but it isn’t soluble in oil. It is possible to add both cream and sugar to coffee because both are soluble in the drink. Another example of solubility is in the air: oxygen is soluble in nitrogen.