What Are Examples of Scavenger Animals?

Some common scavengers include vultures, raccoons and blowflies. Most carnivores and omnivores will scavenge if given the opportunity. Some herbivores, including pandas, have been observed eating carrion on occasion.

Bears are another common type of scavenger. While bears primarily eat vegetation and fish, they are attracted to carrion and human trash. Scavenging bears are common enough that they have caused trouble when they venture into towns and cities in search of food. Hyenas scavenge for a large part of their diets, although groups of hyenas also hunt together. Big cats, such as lions and tigers, also eat carrion when they find it. Wolves, coyotes and other wild canids also scavenge as well as hunt. Feral dogs may rely on scavenging trash for a large part of their diets.

Many sea creatures also scavenge. Lobsters, crabs and eels are well-known examples. Even great white sharks often eat carrion if they come across a dead pinniped or whale.

Some animals do not scavenge often in more remote environments, but rely heavily on it in urban ones. Crows eat seeds, nuts, eggs and rodents in the wild, but those that live close to people get a significant portion of their diet from scavenging roadkill and trash.