What Are Some Examples of Metals?

Some examples of metals include, lead, gold, zinc, tin, uranium, silver, sodium and nickel. In order to be a metal, a substance must be crystalline when solid and an elementary substance.

Metals have a list of properties all their own. They are hard substances resistant to corrosion, and are elastic so they bend, not break. Metals are malleable and heavy and will only melt when extremely hot. Metals are heavy, dense, shiny and are excellent electric and heat conductors.

Almost 75 percent of the periodic table is comprised of metals. On the table, they are separated based on their composition. There are alkali and alkaline Earth metals, transition metals, other metals and rare Earth elements.

People often mistake metal alloys for metal. Metal alloys are a mixture of one metal with another metal or one metal with a nonmetal. Common examples of metal alloys include brass, which is a mixture of copper and zinc; steel, a mixture of iron and carbon; and bronze, a mixture of copper and tin.

Transition metals are those metals in groups three through 12 on the Periodic Table. They have an incomplete inner electron shell and they serve as links between those metals that have the most and least electrons.

Other examples of pure metal include Californium, copper, Europium, radium, cadmium, Einsteinium, titanium and tungsten.