How Do You Convert Pounds and Ounces to Kilograms?

To convert pounds to kilograms, multiply the weight in pounds by 0.45359. To convert ounces to kilograms, divide the weight in ounces by 35.274. You need a calculator or a pencil and paper.

  1. Multiply weight in pounds by 0.45359.

    One pound is equal to 0.45359 kilograms. Therefore, the weight in pounds must be multiplied by 0.45359 to convert the weight to kilograms. For example, to convert 75 pounds to kilograms, multiply 75 by 0.45359. The result is 34.019 kilograms.

  2. Divide weight in ounces by 35.274.

    One kilogram is equal to 35.274 ounces. Therefore, the weight in ounces must be divided by 35.274 to convert the weight to kilograms. For example, to convert 75 ounces to kilograms, divide 75 by 35.274. The result is 2.126 kilograms.

  3. Check each conversion by reversing the equation.

    Once you’ve converted a value from pounds to kilograms, check the accuracy by dividing the answer (in kilograms) by 0.45359. The result should be the weight in pounds that you initially had. Apply the same principle when checking your ounce to kilogram conversions.