What Is in a Cell of Tomato Pulp?

A cell of tomato pulp contains cytoplasm, which is a viscous material that contains the cell’s organelles. These organelles include chloroplasts, mitochondrion and ribosomes. The cell is surrounded by a rigid cell wall that encloses the cell membrane. This is different from an animal cell, which has no cell wall.

Another difference between the tomato cell and an animal cell is that it has a large vacuole, which is a space that’s filled with fluid. The vacuole helps the cell retain its shape. The tomato cell also has chloroplasts, which produce chlorophyll molecules. Chlorophyll uses sunlight to perform photosynthesis. Because the tomato is a fruit, the cell also contains amyloplasts, which are bodies that store starch and convert it into sugars when the plant is low on energy.

The tomato pulp cell is like an animal cell in that it has a nucleus. The nucleus is encased and protected by a nuclear membrane and contains organelles such as the nucleolus. It also contains the tomato plant’s DNA and guides many of the cell’s functions. The nucleolus has the plant’s RNA.

The mitochondrion is a rod-shaped organelle that turns the energy that’s found in glucose, a simple sugar, into adenosine triphosphate, which the cell can readily use. Ribosomes help the plant make proteins.