What Are the Causes of an Alkaline Reaction in Urine?
High amounts of alkaline in urine may indicate kidney disease or a urinary tract infection (UTI), according to WebMD. It can also occur as a result of excessive vomiting.
Other causes of high alkaline urine include respiratory alkalosis, pyloric obstruction or a reduction in stomach acids, according to Healthline. Diet can also affect the alkalinity of urine. People who eat lots of fruit and vegetables but not much meat are more likely to have alkaline urine.
Certain drugs can cause alkaline urine, according to Healthline. For example, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors lead to a loss of bicarbonates, causing urine to become alkaline, Drugs.com states. Physicians performing urine pH tests may ask patients to stop taking medications if there’s a chance that the medications can affect the results, Healthline states.
To detect whether urine is acidic, alkaline or within a normal range, physicians perform a urine pH test, explains WebMD. This non-invasive test involves urinating in a clean container. To ensure the results are clear, fingers should be kept away from the inside of the container. Physicians should be notified of any medications a person is taking, as they can affect the outcome of the test. The outcome of the test is used be doctors to analyze a patient’s kidney health.