How Do You Calculate a Room’s Maximum Occupancy?

To calculate a room’s maximum occupancy, determine factors such as the area of the room, the available space in the room, the number of useful exits and the height of the ceiling. Calculate a basic estimation of a room’s maximum occupancy by dividing the available floor space in square feet by 36.
Calculate the area of the room
Measure the width and length of the room in feet to calculate the area of the room. Multiply these two values to determine the area of the room in square feet.
Calculate the approximate floor space available
To calculate the approximate value of available floor space, find the approximate value of the space that’s being obstructed by fixed structures, such as columns and pieces of furniture. Subtract this value from the area of the room to get an approximation of the floor space that is available for occupancy.
Divide the available floor space by 36
Divide the available floor space by 36 to get an approximation of the maximum occupancy of the room. The number 36 comes from the notion that every person should be allotted a minimum space of 6 feet of length and width, which means that the recommended space that one person should have is equal to 36 square feet.