How Do You Calculate the Liquid Volume of a Cylinder?

Calculating the liquid volume of a cylinder involves multiplying the height by the area of its base or top. Input the number values correlating to the parts of the cylinder in the equation, either using manual or electronic calculation. Converting to the same units before multiplying results in an answer in cubic units.

Liquid volume of a cylinder refers to the maximum amount of liquid the cylinder holds and is synonymous with the volume of the container in math textbooks. A geometrical cylinder is a three-dimensional object consisting of a circular top and a circular base and flat sides. Using the area formula, r^2, plug in the values for the radius, and then multiply the resulting area by the height of the figure.

Using an online or manual calculator, users can quickly obtain liquid volumes of items, such as aquariums, swimming pools and food storage containers. For calculators, input the values associated with the height and radius or those requested on an online calculator. Using the data input, the liquid volume value returns.

Widgets available online calculate automatically, and some are available in copy and paste form. Downloading is no longer a requirement for adding this style of calculator to a personal or business website as of 2015, but other features, such as designing the appearance of the tool, are premium and require payment.