What Is the Bohr Model for Silver?

The Bohr model for silver explains the number of electrons, protons and neutrons that are present in the atom, and it diagrams the placement of the electrons within silver’s five energy levels. Silver’s Bohr model indicates that there are 47 protons and 61 neutrons in its nucleus, according to Pennsylvania County Schools. Its 47 electrons are broken up into five energy levels.
Each energy level holds a different number of electrons, and each has a maximum capacity of electrons. As the energy levels increase, the energy levels grow larger and are able to hold more electrons. For instance, silver’s first energy level holds the maximum number of electrons, two electrons. Its second energy level holds eight electrons, and its third and fourth energy levels each hold 18 electrons. The fifth energy level, however, holds only one electron.
According to About.com, the Bohr Model uses a planetary model to explain how atoms behave. This means that the nucleus is always placed in the center of the model because it represents the sun, and the energy levels are drawn as rings around the nucleus. Small dots are then used to indicate the electrons in each level. For instance, silver’s first energy level is represented by a circle surrounding the nucleus with two small dots that indicate two electrons. Another circle drawn around the first energy level represents the second level and contains eight dots that represent the second level’s eight electrons. This process continues until all the electrons are placed in an energy level.