What Are Biotic Factors of a Coniferous Forest?

The biotic factors of a coniferous forest are all the living components found in this biome, which are animals, plants and protists. Examples of these biotic factors include, bears, porcupines, fir trees, pine trees and lichen.

Animals are a major biotic factor of coniferous forests. According to A-Z Animals, some of the most common species in this biome are bears, deer, elk, wolves, owls and stoats. Another biotic factor of coniferous forests is plants. Plants make up more of the biomass of coniferous forests than animals do. About.com lists some of the major species of trees in coniferous forests, which are conifer or cone-bearing trees: ponderosa pine, Douglas fir, Engelmann’s spruce, balsam fir, eastern hemlock, northern white cedar, shortleaf and longleaf. Shrubs are also common in coniferous forests. Protists, though small, are extremely important in any biome. In coniferous forests, protists include bacteria, fungi, moss and lichen.

The species in coniferous forests vary depending on the location of the forest. Coniferous forests are grouped roughly into boreal forests and temperate forests. Boreal coniferous forests are located in the Arctic Circle, and corresponding species, such as elk and bears, must be adapted to the cold. Temperate coniferous forests are those found in the western United States, parts of South America and New Zealand. Species found in these locations include deer, bears, foxes and rabbits.