What Biomes Is Texas Part Of?

There are three biomes found in Texas: grasslands, desert and southern pine forest. Grasslands make up the bulk of the Texas, with desert in southwest Texas and forest in southeast Texas.

Grasslands is the largest biome in Texas. According to the Texas State Historical Association, the grasslands starts in the panhandle of Texas with the High Plains. This area includes irrigated cropland, shortgrass, midgrass sand sage and mesquite. Another part of the grasslands biome, the Edwards Plateau, is located in central Texas. It is made up largely of canyons and oak forests. The Rolling Plains are north of the Edwards Plateau and east of the High Plains. The Backland Prairie runs along the eastern side of the Rolling Plains and the Edwards Plateau. The Coastal Prairie is located on the east coast of Texas and is inundated with wooded stream bottoms. The South Texas Plains, though technically in the grassland biosphere, is arid and considered semi-desert.

The desert biome is located on the western most point of Texas bordering both New Mexico and Mexico. The southern pine forest biome in Texas, which is actually part of the larger temperate deciduous forest biome, is located along the Gulf Coast of east Texas.