What Are the 7 Life Processes of Plants?
The seven life processes of plant life include movement, sensitivity, nutrition, excretion, respiration, reproduction and growth. Many plant life processes are similar to those of other living organisms, such as human beings and animals.
Although plants do not move from one location to another like animals and humans, they do exhibit movement in ways that promote their growth and survival. One example of this is phototropism, which is the movement of a plant towards sunlight to capture nutrients for the process of photosynthesis. Plants are able to sense things in their environments, including danger, and they are able to send out natural pesticides to nearby plants that are afflicted with harmful pests. Plants obtain nutrition through the process of photosynthesis. Specialized parts of the plant, such as its roots, enable it to absorb nutrition from the soil in which it rests. While animals excrete solid and liquid wastes, plants secrete gases and liquid. They rid themselves of oxygen and water through a structure called a stomata. Respiration for a plant means breaking down nutrients to use for energy. Plants reproduce in various methods, depending on the plant. Simpler plants reproduce via spores, while more complex plants do so with seeds. Finally, the most evident of plant life processes is growth, which takes place as a plant evolves from a seed or spore to a full-size organism.