Was the Treaty of Versailles Unfair to Germany?

Germany felt that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair because it forced them to pay reparations to various countries, make territorial concessions and disarm. It also contained a War Guilt clause that required Germany to accept the blame for causing the damages and losses suffered during the war. The costs of reparation was 132 billion German marks, or roughly $31.4 billion.

The Treaty of Versailles officially ended World War I on June 28, 1919, although it was negotiated with minimal involvement by Germany. The Treaty contained 440 articles in 15 parts, and it reassigned German boundaries and made Germany liable for the destruction caused by the war. It was reinforced for 5 years following its enactment, but plans calling for German reparations, including both the Young and Dawson Plans, were canceled in 1932 prior to the rise of Adolf Hitler as leader of Germany.

Germany signed the treaty under protests, with some Germans seeing it as a betrayal. Some politicians who German right wingers saw responsible for accepting the terms of the treaty were subsequently assassinated. Germany violated the provisions of the treaty calling for disarmament in the 1920s, and the treaty was denounced in 1935 by Hitler. He also later overturned provisions for territorial allocations.