What Are the Physical Features of Spain?

The physical features of Spain include beaches, mountains and flatlands. The country is rather large, and the features in each area determines its climate, which can be vastly different at any given time. The coastal regions are in the southern and eastern parts of the country, while the mountains are in the northern sections.

Spain is also made of up two islands, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands, which feature coastal shores and beaches. On the mainland, the mountains of Spain are the second highest in Europe. The average height of the mountains are 2,000 feet. However, the Sierra Nevada, just southeast of Granada, reaches its peak at 12,198 feet at the summit of Mulhacen. This area is often snow-drenched with wind and sun. The Pyrenees mountain range stretches 249 miles along the Atlantic coast. This mountain range also stretches into Andorra and France.

Spain’s coastal features are created by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, which surround the country.

The central portion of Spain is where most of the flatlands are. However, this physical feature is divided by several chains of the Sierras. On the northern side of these hills, Castile and Leon are settled into flatlands, and on the southern side, Castile-La Mancha and Extremadura are settled.