What Are Some Physical Features of Cuba?

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Some physical features of Cuba include the Sierra Maestra, Pico Turquino, Isla de Juventud, Laguna de Leche, Zapata Swamp, Sierra del Rosario and Yucatan Channel. Cuba is an island nation located in the Caribbean Sea, approximately 90 miles from Florida. The capital of Cuba is Havana.

Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean Sea and is located between the islands of Jamaica and the Bahamas. Much of the island is flat with rolling hills. The coastal areas are more mountainous, and Cuba has four large mountain ranges: Sierra Maestra, Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa, Cordillera de Guaniguanico and Trinidad-Sancti Spiritus. These and other mountain ranges cover about 33 percent of the island. The highest point in Cuba, Pico Turquino, stands at 6,650 feet in the Sierra Maestra. Cuba also has 289 beaches and 200 bays, but few large rivers or inland water regions. Zaza Reservoir and Laguna de Leche are two notable bodies or water. Several small archipelago rings can be found along the north and south shorelines.

The Zapata Swamp is a large wetland and home to many of Cuba’s plant and animal species. Approximately 7,000 plant species can be found in Cuba, of which 50 percent are native to the island. Forests of cedar, oak, pine and mangroves are scattered throughout Cuba.