What Are Some Midwest Landmarks?

More than 450 landmarks exist in the Midwest; these features exist in the 13 Midwestern states, and include the Little Rock Central High School, Cahokia Mounds, Mount Rushmore, the Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. House, Bear Butte and the Huff Archaeological Site. Midwest landmarks include unique natural features, such as the Great Lakes and Mackinac Island, along with birthplaces and residences of American heroes, including Thomas Edison and Willa Cather.

Some Midwestern landmarks honor military figures, while others pay tribute to authors and inventors. The Crazy Horse Memorial of South Dakota recognizes the iconic Native American figure Crazy Horse, leader of the Lakota tribe. This memorial features a large sculpture of Crazy Horse riding on a horse. Construction of the project began in 1948 with the help of sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski and Chief Standing Bear of the Lakota tribe. It is the largest memorial in the world, and it promotes education on American Indians and honors Native American cultures and traditions.

Another natural feature, Chimney Rock, resides in Nebraska. This monument classifies as a historic national monument. It symbolizes the movement of Americans westward during the 19th century. Chimney Rock contains a museum and educational center to inform visitors of the role the site played in acting as a landmark and milestone for westward travelers.