What Are the Japanese Influences on the Philippines?

Gideon Tsang/CC-BY-SA 2.0

Japan had short-term influence on the Philippines during its World War II occupation through curfews. It had long-term non-military influence in the form of Karaoke, Anime, pottery and food products like tempura.

During the Japanese occupation of the Philippines during World War II, the Japanese influenced the government in the Philippines by enforcing a strict curfew, adding Japanese currency, instituting a military government and reducing neighborhood government systems by half. According to About.com, the occupation also cost the lives of over a million people in the Philippines.

As soon as the Japanese left, these restrictions went away. The period of Japanese occupation of the Philippines occurred between the time when MacArthur was driven out in 1942 and when he regained the island in 1945. Even long before this time in the 16th century, the Philippines traded with Japan. More recently, Japan has influenced the Philippines by bringing similar cultural additions to the country, similar to its influence on the rest of the world. Karaoke is a pastime practiced in parts of the Philippines, and many Filipino children watch Anime shows on television just as they do elsewhere. The long-term Japanese influence on the Philippines due to the occupation is minimal compared to its short-term implications.