What Are Some Examples of Creek Indian Artifacts?

Some examples of Creek Indian artifacts include ceremonial weapons, such as copper axes, and pieces of jewelry like copper-coated earspools and shell pendants. These and similar artifacts have been discovered at a number of locations, among the most significant of which was the Etowah Mounds complex in Georgia.

Thought to have been built by the Muskogee Creek indians, the complex is dominated by the 67-foot Great Temple Mound. Also among the artifacts discovered there were a number of shell gorgets, which are medallions hung around the neck, and copper breastplates, each engraved with a variety of symbolic designs. These feature iconography inspired by Mesoamerican art, including the Eagle Warrior and the Long-Nosed God.

Two marble statues were also discovered at the site: one representing a man and the other a woman. Found buried and broken, these 2-feet-high statues have been linked to ancestor worship.

Ancient Creek indian artifacts like these can provide an insight into the way these populations used to live. Their primary tools for hunting, for instance, were bows and arrows while they used spears, nets and hooks crafted out of bone to catch fish. Bows were also used as weapons in battle, alongside clubs and axes or tomahawks. Meanwhile, basket weaving, woodcarving and pottery were all among their arts and crafts.