What Did the Medieval Craftsmen Make?

The craftsmen of the Middle Ages, also known as medieval craftsmen, made many crafts that include shoes, clothes, paintings, sculptures, locks, keys, swords and knives. Blacksmiths, one type of craftsmen, worked in rooms known as forges. Here they used hot iron to make pieces for items used in farming, hunting and fighting.

In many cases, knowledge of specific crafts were either passed down from parents to children or from masters to apprentices. For example, a young man learning to be a locksmith could spend time learning about the various tools and techniques of the craft by studying under an accomplished locksmith. During this time, the apprentice was often paid with food and lodging, rather than money. However, after this training phase was complete, the apprentice could obtain the status of journeyman and seek approval by the crafts guild to become a master craftsman. In many cases, guilds offered protection and services to any craftsmen who joined. For example, a guild might lend a member a wagon or horse for long-distance travel, or it might cover funeral expenses of members to ease the burden on their families. However, these groups could also force members to abide by trade rules, standards regarding quality and strict pricing.