Is Egypt in Africa?

Egypt rests in Northern Africa, situated between the Libya and the Gaza Strip and sharing borders with the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea and the Sinai Peninsula. Egypt belongs to the African continent, but like many Northern African nations, bears strong cultural resemblance to many Middle Eastern nations. Egypt boasts a distinct history and serves as home to many iconic features, including ancient pyramids and the Nile River.

Egypt features a desert climate with hot and dry summers and mild winters yielding little precipitation. Approximately 1 inch of rain falls in Egypt during the year, but the Nile River brings water to communities and farms across Egypt, carrying a constant supply from its source waters, located in Ethiopia. Unlike most rivers, the Nile flows from south to north. This backwards flow divides Egypt into two parts: Upper Egypt, which covers the southern portion of the country and Lower Egypt, which contains Egypt’s northern half.

Its geography and topography make Egypt similar to other African nations, but its distinct population sets the nation apart. Most Egyptians identify as Muslims, similar to populations in the Middle East. Egypt classifies as a democratic republic, although it experiences political turmoil. Egypt contains many natural resources, including oil, zinc, phosphate and other minerals, but tourism brings most of its income.