How Do You Write a Reply Letter?

Include a heading, salutation, body, closing and signature. The body of the letter should answer the questions that one has been asked or confirm information.

Formatting the Letter The best font to use for reply letters is Times New Roman, size 12. Use single spaces for the body of the letter.

Heading The heading at the top of the letter should include certain pieces of information. This includes the date and one’s name, address and phone address. Additionally, the recipient’s name, title, company name and address should be listed.

Write the Salutation The most common salutation is “Dear,” followed by the recipient’s name. Depending on how formal the letter is, you may use the person’s surname or first name. In the case it’s a woman, use “Ms.” rather than assuming she is a “Mrs.” unless the information is clearly given.

Write the Body of the Letter A proper way to start is by thanking the sender for their letter. The body of the letter should be single-spaced with a skipped line between paragraphs and after the end. The content of the body should address all of the questions asked clearly and concisely. Double check the original letter and make sure all of the questions are answered. When it comes to the tone of the writing, it’s best to be formal and professional. Avoid using slang.

Provide Additional Relevant Information If there are certain points that one believes would make the letter stronger, add information that goes above and beyond the original request. However, make sure to keep this part short and sweet because the receiver may not have a lot of time to read the letter.

Write the Conclusion Write a summary if the letter is long. Ask if the information that’s been provided is sufficient and give the recipient a chance to contact the letter writer or subject again.

Review and Revise Most importantly, review the letter at least once. Check for common spelling and grammatical errors. If the letter is particularly important, have another person read it through and provide feedback.

Sign the Letter Use closing lines that invite additional conversation. A good example is saying, “I look forward to hearing from you.” Additionally, use a closing phrase, such as “Sincerely” or “Best,” before signing the letter. For a paper copy letter, take the time to sign the letter in ink above a signature line. For electronic letters, simply type in one’s full name.

Tips for Replying to Complaint Letters If the reply letter is in response to a complaint, consider the facts of the situation and take a moment to understand the sender’s perspective. Don’t become defensive or dismissive but address all of the issues presented in a calm manner.

Tips for Replying to a Business Inquiry When replying to a business inquiry, it’s important to present oneself as best as possible because the sender is potentially a new client. Focus on communicating how one adds value or fulfills the client’s needs. If there are other services that the client could benefit from, add brief information about it. It’s a great opportunity to explain how one stands out from the competition.