How Do You Write a Reading Log?

To write a reading log, note the title and author of the book, the numbers of the pages read, a brief summary and a response. It is helpful to write notes for the reading log while you are reading. You need the book you are reading and a notebook.

  1. Note the details

    Begin your entry with the date. Write the title, author and pages read. Underline the title of the book.

  2. Write the summary

    The summary should include the main idea of the section you read. The main idea consists of the main character and what he is doing. Add any problems that the character encounters as well as important supporting details. Write the details in chronological order. Include enough information to jog your memory about the pages that you read, but don’t restate everything that happens. Also include the setting, or where and when the book takes place.

  3. Write the response

    The response is your opinion about the book section. It can include quotes from the book and how you felt about them or notes about the author’s writing style. Follow any quotes with a parenthetical notation of the page number. The response can also contain questions about what has happened so far or predictions about what happens next.