What Is the Way to Multiply Percentages?

The multiplication of percentages is accomplished by converting the percentage to decimals, and multiplying the decimals. To convert a percentage to a decimal, the percent sign must be removed, and the number divided by 100. The decimal point should always be moved two places to the left when dividing by 100. After dividing 75 by 100, the answer is 0.75.
The decimal point will always move to the left for how many digits there are in the equation. For example, to multiply 75 percent by 20 percent, both would need to be divided by 100, to make the numbers 0.75 and 0.20. These two numbers need to be multiplied together, and the decimal point moved four places to the left, to correlate with how many numbers appear to the right of the decimal point. The answer before simplifying is .1500. Those last two zeroes can be removed, and the answer is .15.
To convert .15 into an actual percentage, instead of dividing by 100, a person should multiply by 100. The decimal points then move to the right, for an answer of 15 percent. When dividing, decimal points move to the left, and when multiplying, decimal points move to the right.