What Is WAP Push on a Mobile Phone?

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WAP push is a type of text message that contains a direct link to a particular Web page. When a user is sent a WAP-push message, he receives an alert that, once clicked, directs him to the Web page via his WAP browser.

WAP messages replace the need to include a link in a message. Instead the user receives an alert that once clicked will direct him to the Web page. WAP messages are commonly used by email providers, providing a quick link to the WAP email client when the user receives a message. If the user determines the IP address and port of a website, he can send his own WAP messages to recipients. WAP messages have been used for many years in the advertisement industry: a company sends out WAP messages to everyone in its contacts list, and the message provides a quick link to the website so the recipient can easily view the services or special offer being promoted. WAP messages are also used predominantly by cellular service providers to send a keyword to a predefined number, for example “Ecko” to “4263” will send the user a WAP push message that includes a direct link to the Ecko game download; clicking the message takes the user directly to the page.