How Do You Find the Values of Avon Collectible Cars?
To find the values of Avon collectible cars, determine which pieces you have, and consult the newest edition of a collector’s book, such as Warman’s Americana and Collectibles. Check each car’s condition to determine whether the value is affected by damage. Compare your item to the prices for similar cars sold by other dealers, shops or online auction sites.
Avon has sold many collectible pieces throughout its history, including figurines and decorative perfume bottles, so be prepared to search multiple categories in each collector’s book, such as a Collectible Cars or Avon Collectibles category. Each listing has a picture of the item or a detailed description to assist identification. While colors or containers vary, there is little duplication of Avon collectibles, which makes finding the value of a specific car straightforward.
Find out which factors make a collectible’s condition poor, fair, good or mint. The value of a car is significantly reduced if its body contains a scratch or chip. Many collectors are highly discriminating and turn down rare pieces due to poor condition. Check antique shops for Avon cars, and speak to their proprietors to find out how they determine the cars’ values. Other stores to consult include secondhand shops, Goodwill and the Salvation Army.