How Do You Find the Value of Georges Briard Collectibles?
One of the quickest ways to find the value of Georges Briard collectibles is to look for the selling price of particular items on auction websites such as eBay and As of September 2015, the highest priced Georges Briard item for sale is the vintage Georges Briard “Ice Your Poison” ice bucket basket carrier, on sale for $259. Similarly,’s most expensive Georges Briard product is a vintage mosaic floor lamp, selling for $375.
Since Georges Briard products have not been manufactured since the 1970s, those items that were mass produced are the least expensive today. These items include glassware and tumblers, which vary in price from $12 to $60 on eBay. Pieces of Georges Briard are easy to identify; most of his work was done in 22-karat gold and always has his signature.
Georges Briard is a fictitious name chosen by the artist and glassware designer Jascha Broido. In 1947, he began selling decorative items and eventually started Georges Briard Design. He is most well-known for his signature dishware and glassware – everything from cups and plates to gold plated serving dishes. His signature collection was stocked at noted department stores, such as Neiman Marcus and Bonwit Teller.