How Do You Update Your Address With the Social Security Administration?
The steps involved in updating an address with the Social Security Administration are situation-specific, but may include accessing My Social Security and updating the information online, or contacting the local Social Security office. As of 2015, call 800-772-1213 to change an address if you are a Supplemental Security Income recipient or do not have a U.S. mailing address. The teletype number is 800-325-0778. Assistance is available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Social Security and Medicare recipients can change a mailing address on My Social Security by clicking the Create an Account link under the Sign Up for My Social Security heading on the home page. Next, scroll down the page and click Sign In. Enter a previously established username and password, click the My Profile tab, and then select the Update Contact Information link. On, you can also block electronic access to information, estimate future benefits, apply for Social Security benefits, appeal a decision and request a Social Security statement.
Find a Social Security office to update a mailing address by clicking the Contact Us link at the top of the home page, and then clicking Find an Office. Enter a ZIP code and click Locate. Alternatively, call the above-listed number to find a local Social Security office.