What Are Some Treatments for Diverticulosis?

Treatments for those suffering from uncomplicated diverticulosis include antibiotics, liquid diet and over-the-counter pain relievers. For those with more severe symptoms or complicated diverticulosis, treatments may include injecting intravenous antibiotics, surgery and, if an abscess has formed, inserting a draining tube, reports Mayo Clinic.
Laxatives should never be used to treat diverticulosis, and enemas should only be used infrequently. If diverticulosis is not accompanied by symptoms or complications, treatment may not be necessary. Adopting a high-fiber diet consisting of foods such as whole grains, broccoli, spinach, carrots, asparagus and beans may prevent future diverticula. The American Dietetic Association recommends 20 to 35 grams of fiber every day, says WebMD.
For those with mild symptoms, antibiotics may effectively treat infection, and a liquid diet or over-the counter acetaminophen may alleviate pain experienced while the bowel is healing. These treatments work for 70 to 100 percent of individuals experiencing mild symptoms, states Mayo Clinic.
Finally, those with complicated diverticulosis may be treated with intravenous antibiotics, and any abscess may require tubular draining. Complications such as a perforation, fistula or bowel obstruction may require surgery. Two major surgeries that treat diverticulosis are primary bowel resection and bowel resection with colostomy. Primary bowel resection involves removing the diseased portions of the intestine and reconnecting the health parts, and this allows for healthy bowel movements. Colostomy involves connecting an opening in the abdominal wall to a healthy portion of the colon and passing waste through the opening and into a bag, according to Mayo Clinic.