How Do You Treat a Swollen Incisive Papilla?

According to Simple Remedies, there are several treatments for swollen papilla, including: smoking cessation, oral-hygiene improvement, avoidance of hot, spicy foods, gargling with salt water, eating yogurt to soothe the papilla and increasing intake of vitamin B12 and iron. The treatment method depends on the cause.

Simple Remedies notes that there are a number of causes responsible for swollen papilla. They are often a normal part of aging. Biting the tongue and hot food can result in swollen papilla. Papilla are located on the surface of the tongue and house the taste buds, according to Simple Remedy.

Canker sores can cause swollen papilla, with episodes that become worst with stress. Ulcerative colitis and gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, can have swollen papilla as a symptom. Excessive smoking can also be a contributing factor. When papilla sores remain for over two weeks, oral cancer could be a potential cause.

According to Simple Remedies, there are four types of papilla: Fungiform papilla are mushroom shaped and detect sweet and sour taste; filiform papilla are v-shaped and detect sour taste; foliae papilla are located on the sides of the tongue and are elongated; and, circumvallate papilla are located in a v-shaped pattern on the back of the tongue and detect bitter taste.