What Is the Traditional Clothing Worn in Belgium?

Traditional Belgian styles for men and women are modeled after the French clothing style, which was influenced by the French occupation during World War II. The smock and beret are popular apparel worn by men, and the classic huntress dress is favored by Belgian women. Worn as a wedding dress today, the costume features Celtic-edged trimming on the sleeves and ties that are decorated with colorfully hued beads.

Young Belgian boys wore dresses up until the 1900s, and both men and boys wore tunics until the 19th century. Boys often paired pantalettes with both the tunics and dresses. Men’s tailored suits did not become popular until the 19th century.

Belgian traditional garb is often worn at Belgium’s many festivals, such as the Cat Festival in Ypres. During medieval times, the town was plagued by rats. To alleviate the problem, cats were placed inside the municipality to get rid of the rodents. However, the number of cats became nearly as prolific as the population of rats. Therefore, people began tossing the felines off the top of the highest buildings. The festival highlights the re-enactment with stuffed toy cats today.

Located in the central part of Europe, Belgium is considered to be a low country, as much of the land is located below sea level. The Walloons and the Flemish are the two main groups of people who call Belgium home.

Traditional crafts in Belgium include lace-marking and the design of pottery. Puppetry serves as a form of entertainment for children and adults.