What Symptoms Do Pancreatic Lesions Cause?

Pancreatic lesions and cysts can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, jaundice and weight loss, explains Johns Hopkins Medicine. However, small lesions often cause no symptoms and go untreated until they are much larger.

Small lesions and cysts on the pancreas are often asymptomatic or produce no symptoms, says MedininceNet. Once the lesion grows over 2 centimeters, it starts to put pressure on other organs and nerves, causing stomach and back pain. Depending on the location of the lesion, it can cause jaundice despite its size. If it blocks the bile duct, a yellow pigment builds up, turning the skin, eyes and urine yellow.

If a lesion or cyst becomes infected or filled with pus, it can cause fever, chills and other symptoms of sepsis or bacteria-infested tissue, states MedicineNet. If the lesion grows large enough, it can interfere with the stomach’s ability to digest food, causing vomiting and weight loss. If a cyst or lesion ruptures, the individual can experience peritonitis or infection of the abdominal cavity, points out the Mayo Clinic. A ruptured lesion can cause internal bleeding because it can damage blood vessels, which in turn leads to loss of consciousness, decreased consciousness, weak or rapid heart beat and shock. In some cases, the individual vomits up blood.