What Are the Symptoms of Mild Systemic Disease?
Mild Systemic Disease is not meant to be a diagnosis of any specific disease. It is part of the American Society of Anesthesiologists Status classification system used before attempting surgery, notes Parish Management Consultants. Symptoms displayed by those with this classification usually are usually mild and the result of a specific controlled disease, such as diabetes.
The ASA created this classification for use by doctors when speaking with one another and for record-keeping. It isn’t usually meant to be given to patients as part of their diagnosis. According to the ASA system, a mild systemic disease classification means that the patient has a mild disease without major functional limitations. This can include, being a current smoker, social drinking, pregnancy, obesity, hypertension and diabetes.
The symptoms of these diseases vary and are specific to the disease, but many patients may not even have noticeable symptoms if their disease is controlled. For instance, controlled diabetes wouldn’t have the common symptoms of excessive thirst, fatigue, excessive urination, itching, or blurred vision, notes WebMD.
However, knowing that there is a mild disease present in the patient helps doctors and the anesthesiologist to ensure that surgery goes well. A patient with diabetes may have slow wound healing and more fatigue after surgery, which is something to keep an eye on.